Happy Chinese New Year Imessage

When you send a message saying ‘Happy Chinese New Year,’ the screen turns red, the text becomes gold and fireworks shoot out. If you send a message saying ‘Happy New Year,’ the effect will be different, with just a variety of fireworks shooting out on the screen. Happy Chinese New Year 2021 Messages, Happy Chinese New Year 2021 Wishes 0 The Following Are Some Best Chinese New Year Wishes Messages In Mandarin That Are Used As Greetings At Chinese New Year In Mandarin For You To Refer: 万事如意 – Wan Shi Ru Yi (Everything Well). 心想事成 – Xin Xiang Shi Cheng (Things Go As You Wish).

Chinese Festivals and Events

Chinese people greet one another with lucky sayings and phrases to wish health, wealth and good fortune when they meet during the Chinese New Year.

Here are 30 most popularChinese New Year greetings and wishes (with their Chinese characters, pinyin Romanization for Mandarin Chinese, and English translation).

These happy New Year messages, well wishes and quotes will enable you share the joy and love, either by spoken or written, during the festive period.

Beginnings of Greetings and Sayings

Greeting an older (or respected) person is a little different in Chinese: nín for 'you', instead of the common . For example:

Zhu nín... (/joo neen/)


Wish you (younger/informal) ...

3 Fashionable Greetings for 2021 - the Year of Ox

Gōngxǐ fācái, hóngbāo ná lái

Wishing you happiness and prosperity; give me a red envelope.

Use this to greet someone if you're expecting lucky money. Only say this to close friends and relations. Don't say it to strangers or in a formal setting, to avoid looking presumptuous or ridiculous.

2. 牛转乾坤

NiǔZhuǎn Qiǎnkūn

Wishing you turning all bad things around, into a good brand new world. ('Niǔ' in this phrases is a pun use world, which has two meanings: 'to turn around' and 'ox'.)



Niǔqì Chōngtiān

Wishing you the 'Chi' of being great reaches up to the heaven. No one is able to stop that.

10 Traditional Popular New Year Greetings and Sayings

Xīnnián hǎo

Guònián hǎo

Xīnnián kuàilè

Xīnchūn kuàilè

Chūnjié kuàilè

jíxiáng rúyì

7. 年年有余

Surplus year-after-year

Jíxīng gāozhào

Fortune will smile on you ('lucky star high shines')

Xīnxiǎng shì chéng

10. 大吉大利

Lots of luck and profits

Greetings and Wishes for Health

Shēntǐ jiànkāng

Jīlíng huópō

A bright and lively spirit (especially used for children under the age of 10, wishing them to be active and smart)

Greetings and Sayings at Work and for Business

Gōngxǐ fācái

Happiness and prosperity (use this when receiving gifts or lucky money)

2. 财源广进

'Enter broadly wealth's source'

3. 工作顺利

May your work go smoothly

4. 事业有成

Success in your career

5. 平步青云

Have a meteoric rise (usually to wish for promotions)

6. 马到成功

Instant success

7. 步步高升

Promotions at every step

8. 一帆风顺

May your life go smoothly.

9. 升官发财

Win promotion and get rich

10. 生意兴隆

Prosperous business

Greetings and Wishes for Students

Xuéyè yǒuchéng

Xuéxí jìnbù

Jīnbǎng tímíng

Success in the examination (for those taking an important examination, including students.

Greetings and Wishes for the Family

Héjiā huānlè

Jiāhé Wànshìxīng

A harmony family leads to prosperty of all kinds.

How to Respond to 'Happy New Year'?

When someone greets you with '新年快乐 (Xīnnián kuàilè, Happy New Year)', the best and simple replies are:

1. '新年快乐 (Xīnnián kuàilè)'
2. 'Happy New Year to you too, thank you'
3. Thank you, and the same to you.
4. Thank you, and wish you the same.

Be aware that the nowadays a more international way of greeting - “Happy Lunar New Year' - is not a popular accepted phrase to use to your Chinese friend, who may regard it as offensive. Instead use the phrase 'Happy Chinese New Year' or just simply 'Happy New Year'.

Chinese Festivals and Events

Chinese people greet one another with lucky sayings and phrases to wish health, wealth and good fortune when they meet during the Chinese New Year.

Here are 30 most popularChinese New Year greetings and wishes (with their Chinese characters, pinyin Romanization for Mandarin Chinese, and English translation).

These happy New Year messages, well wishes and quotes will enable you share the joy and love, either by spoken or written, during the festive period.

Beginnings of Greetings and Sayings

Greeting an older (or respected) person is a little different in Chinese: nín for 'you', instead of the common . For example:

Zhu nín... (/joo neen/)


Wish you (younger/informal) ...

3 Fashionable Greetings for 2021 - the Year of Ox

Gōngxǐ fācái, hóngbāo ná lái

Wishing you happiness and prosperity; give me a red envelope.

Use this to greet someone if you're expecting lucky money. Only say this to close friends and relations. Don't say it to strangers or in a formal setting, to avoid looking presumptuous or ridiculous.

2. 牛转乾坤

NiǔZhuǎn Qiǎnkūn

Wishing you turning all bad things around, into a good brand new world. ('Niǔ' in this phrases is a pun use world, which has two meanings: 'to turn around' and 'ox'.)


Niǔqì Chōngtiān

Wishing you the 'Chi' of being great reaches up to the heaven. No one is able to stop that.

10 Traditional Popular New Year Greetings and Sayings

Xīnnián hǎo

Guònián hǎo

Xīnnián kuàilè

Xīnchūn kuàilè

Chūnjié kuàilè

jíxiáng rúyì

7. 年年有余

Surplus year-after-year

Jíxīng gāozhào

Fortune will smile on you ('lucky star high shines')

Xīnxiǎng shì chéng

10. 大吉大利

Lots of luck and profits

Greetings and Wishes for Health

Shēntǐ jiànkāng

Jīlíng huópō

A bright and lively spirit (especially used for children under the age of 10, wishing them to be active and smart)

Greetings and Sayings at Work and for Business

Gōngxǐ fācái

Happiness and prosperity (use this when receiving gifts or lucky money)

What To Say For Happy Chinese New Year

2. 财源广进

'Enter broadly wealth's source'

3. 工作顺利

May your work go smoothly

4. 事业有成

How To Say Happy Chinese New Year Greetings

Success in your career

5. 平步青云

Have a meteoric rise (usually to wish for promotions)

6. 马到成功

Instant success

7. 步步高升

Promotions at every step

8. 一帆风顺

May your life go smoothly.

9. 升官发财

Win promotion and get rich

10. 生意兴隆

Prosperous business

Greetings and Wishes for Students

Xuéyè yǒuchéng

Xuéxí jìnbù

Jīnbǎng tímíng

Success in the examination (for those taking an important examination, including students.

Greetings and Wishes for the Family

Héjiā huānlè

Jiāhé Wànshìxīng

A harmony family leads to prosperty of all kinds.

How to Respond to 'Happy New Year'?

When someone greets you with '新年快乐 (Xīnnián kuàilè, Happy New Year)', the best and simple replies are:

1. '新年快乐 (Xīnnián kuàilè)'
2. 'Happy New Year to you too, thank you'
3. Thank you, and the same to you.
4. Thank you, and wish you the same.

Be aware that the nowadays a more international way of greeting - “Happy Lunar New Year' - is not a popular accepted phrase to use to your Chinese friend, who may regard it as offensive. Instead use the phrase 'Happy Chinese New Year' or just simply 'Happy New Year'.