MO-200: Microsoft Excel (Excel and Excel 2019)

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At this point, you’ve familiarized yourself with Excel’s interface and are already flying around your spreadsheets faster than Harry Potter on his Nimbus 2000. Let’s dive into the core use case for the software: Excel formulas. Excel can help you do simple arithmetic like adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing any of your data.
Microsoft Excel isn't available as a standalone program, but it is included in a Microsoft Office package or subscription. 2 Open an existing Excel document. If you want to open an existing Excel document at any time, simply double-click the document in question. By Microsoft Excel enables you to turn data into information with powerful tools to analyze, communicate, and share results. Excel can help you work better in teams, and help protect and control.
This exam measures competency in the fundamentals of creating and managing worksheets and workbooks, creating cells and ranges, creating tables, applying formulas and functions, and creating charts and objects. The exam covers the ability to create and edit a workbook with multiple sheets and use a graphic element to represent data visually. Workbook examples include professional-looking budgets, financial statements, team performance charts, sales invoices, and data entry logs.
Program Microsoft Excel
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Program Microsoft Excel
for Microsoft Excel (Excel and Excel 2019)Download Office Excel For Windows 10
All objectives of the exam are covered in depth so you'll be ready for any question on the exam.