Clover EFI r5118 (6529f815d) Developers: Slice, with help of Kabyl, usr-sse2, jadran, Blackosx. Security updates. Include ControlMsrE2 tool. MD5 (Cloverr5132.pkg) = ca14c9fccab3e685e6c793b25be3e100.
This article will guide you on how to change the Clover theme on Windows, Linux and macOS without using the Clover Theme Manager.Download
You can download Clover Theme Manager including all Clover themes here. Click the Download Snapshot button to download it as a ZIP file.
Or use the following command to clone this source if your computer has git installed.
Clover Efi For Windows 10
After extracting, you will see 90 folders in cloverefiboot-themesthemes. Here are the 90 Clover themes that you can use. Open screenshot.png in each folder to preview the theme.
Change Clover theme
Once you’ve found the theme you want, copy the theme folder into EFICLOVERthemes directory. AIO Boot is using the BGM theme so you can see the BGM folder here. On Windows, you can use the mountvol command to mount the EFI System Partition if you installed Clover on the EFI System Partition.
Ok now we will change a value in file EFICLOVERconfig.plist to change Clover theme. Open the config.plist file and look for the following:
Clover Efi Theme
Change the value of the two opening and closing tags of the string to the theme folder name that you copied before.
In the code above, I’m using the BGM theme. Save this file and boot into Clover for testing.
Clover Efi Iso
This way we can change the Clover theme without having to install the Clover Theme Manager. And of course, you can do this on Windows or Linux. In addition to changing the Clover theme, you can also change the screen resolution, ConsoleMode, language, mouse, and more. Check out the official documentation at Clover Wiki.