Types Of Post Box

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  1. Different Types Of Royal Mail Post Boxes
  2. Types Of Post Boxes
  3. Types Of Post Bases
  4. Types Of Post Office Boxes
  5. Types Of Post Office Positions

A post office box, often called a PO or P.O. box, is a mailbox located in a central post office where you can opt to receive all or most of your mail. It is normally rented for a small fee on a monthly or yearly basis, and customers can choose to have their mail routed to the PO box, or merely give the number as their address. In some countries, having one is the only means by which you can receive mail, because delivery of mail may not cover all outlying or rural areas.

While many people rent a post office box at a government run post office, others may choose to have one at private mailing centers. Mailing or packaging companies can rent private boxes to individuals. They may impose restrictions on what can be delivered to them. For instance, if you receive a large package that won’t fit in your box, the company may refuse to accept it, which means you have to travel to the post office, or delivery service office to pick it up. Generally, the post office will accept packages for you that won’t fit in your box, and you merely need to wait in line and pick them up at the counter. Mac os for powerbook g4.

There can be some great reasons for renting a post office box. If you run a business from your home, you can use it to separate your private mail from your business mail. Alternately, if you have a strong Internet presence but want to maintain some anonymity when receiving mail, it withholds your physical address from anyone who might send you mail. If people travel frequently, they may also want to rent a PO box to collect their mail, although you can alternately ask the post office to hold your mail or have a neighbor collect it from your box.

The post office box also presents a way from people to receive secure mail, since it is only accessible by mail carriers and by your key or combination. If you live in an area where mail gets stolen, it can help to have a box in order to make sure you receive all your mail. Additionally, if you work near a local post office, it may be simply more convenient to pick up your mail near your work rather than at your residence.

Unfortunately, some people use the PO box to commit fraud. They may send out dummy or phony credit card offers in order to gather people’s identity information and steal it. People may also send phony offers and scams and require you to respond to a PO address in order to steal money from strangers. Before you order anything, or respond to a credit card application, it’s a good idea to get the phone number of the company, verify it is a real company, and confirm the address given for responses.

In the US, certain types of applications have to state your physical, not your post office box, address. Applications for Social Security cards, passports and, in many states, driver’s licenses will not be approved without supplying a physical address.

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On this page:

  • Individual and non-individual accounts

Individual and non-individual accounts

IU's Box cloud storage service will be retired on May 10, 2021. Migration of IU's Box data began in June 2020. IU Box accounts became read-only on March 1, 2021. For more, see the IU Box retirement FAQ. For information about cloud storage options available at IU, see Storage @ IU.

Individual accounts

Different Types Of Royal Mail Post Boxes

Apache for mac os. In Box at Indiana University, an individual account is an account that is associated with an individual's IU username. All students, faculty, staff, and affiliates can log into https://box.iu.edu to access their individual IU Box accounts.

You can use your individual account to:

  • Save your own files
  • Share read-only access to files with others (within or outside IU)
  • Invite others (within or outside IU) to collaborate on folders or files you own
  • Access folders and files that you have been invited to collaborate on

When you log into your individual account, you will see folders and files you have been invited to collaborate on alongside your own files and folders, and this is where you will do all your work with documents (uploading, downloading, editing, etc.).

Non-individual accounts

Due to the upcoming Box retirement, creation of new Box Group Accounts, Box Organizational Accounts, Box Health Data Accounts, and Box Entrusted Data Accounts has been discontinued. To request a new institutional storage account, fill out the Storage @ IU Institutional storage request form.

UITS strongly recommends that all institutional data be owned by non-individual Box accounts. Non-individual accounts provide the following benefits:

  • Clarity of ownership: The group/lab/department owns the files, not any one individual.
  • Permission flexibility: Because account ownership is not directly tied to any one individual, it is easier to give all users the appropriate collaborator permissions.
  • Minimize disruptions of access when there is personnel turnover: Upon the departure of a staff member, or the graduation of the leader of a student group, access to shared data in folders owned by the individual account of the person leaving may be lost. By storing this group/organizational data within a folder owned by the non-individual account, you avoid that disruption.

You will access the content owned by non-individual accounts by logging into your individual Box account.

The following types of non-individual accounts are available:

  • Group Accounts: Group Accounts are the main storage container for non-sensitive data for student groups or small teams. For some research labs that will not be storing any sensitive data in Box, Group Accounts may be appropriate. However, researchers should consult with their IT Pro to see if there is already an Organizational Account in place that could host the lab's data. Group Accounts are requested through self-service.
  • Organizational Accounts: Organizational Accounts are the main storage container for general (that is, non-sensitive) content for schools, organizations, or regional campuses. Organizational Accounts are set up by the unit's IT Pro.
    UITS recommends that each unit use a combination of an Organizational Account and a Box Entrusted Data Account (see below).
  • Box Entrusted Data Accounts: Box Entrusted Data Accounts are the appropriate storage container for Restricted data for schools, organizations, or regional campuses. Box Entrusted Data Accounts are set up by the unit's IT Pro.
  • Box Health Data Accounts: Box Health Data Accounts are the authorized Box storage location for ARCHIVED: approved PHI data for groups working with data regulated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Box Health Data Accounts are set up by Health Technology Services (HTS).

Where to store data

Types of post office positions

When determining where to store your files, you need to consider the IU Classification levels of institutional data. (When storing personal files in Box, you may store any files you deem appropriate in your individual Box account.)

Types Of Post Boxes

Not all institutional data is permitted in Box at IU; see ARCHIVED: Types of data appropriate for IU Box accounts.

Types Of Post Bases

Institutional data of the classifications listed below should be in folders owned by the indicated types of accounts
ClassificationIndividual accountGroup AccountOrganizational AccountBox Entrusted Data AccountBox Health Data Account
Critical - not PHINoNoNoNoNo
Critical - PHINoNoNoNoYes1

Types Of Post Office Boxes

1 Only ARCHIVED: approved PHI may be stored in Box.

2 While Restricted data was previously allowed in Organizational Accounts, UITS and the Data Stewards recommend that all Restricted data be moved to a Box Entrusted Data Account.

Types Of Post Office Positions

3 Although you are permitted to store University-Internal data and Public data in folders you own, best practice is that all institutional data in Box be stored in folders owned by a non-individual account.

If you are uncertain which account type best suits your needs, contact boxinfo@iu.edu.