Affinity Photo Chromebook

  • Affinity is a super simple extension that gives you a daily text-based challenge to reach out to others through small gestures like starting a conversation or sharing a smile. Each day, your 'new.
  • Just curious if anyone has tried Affinity Photo on ChromeOs, using CrossOver? I am currently using Polarr for editing photos, but I am ready to move onto something a bit more powerful. I like the idea of Affinity over the Adobe Products (which also don't work on.
Affinity photo chromebook app

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A message from the Affinity team

As a way to lend support to the creative community during these difficult times, we’re once again offering a 90-day free trial of the Mac and Windows versions of the whole Affinity suite, for anyone who wants to use them (even those who have previously completed a free trial). We’re also bringing back the 50% discount for those who would prefer to buy and keep the apps, including our iPad versions.

Affinity Photo Chromebook More info about supporting the creative community initiative
Find out more about Affinity apps on Big Sur

In other news…

our apps are fully optimised for the next generation of Mac

Affinity Photo For Chromebook

Ready to go on Apple’s Big Sur and primed to deliver superfast performance on Macs with M1 chips, recent updates to the macOS versions of our apps mean huge performance gains.

Learn more

Chromebook Photo Manager

about Apple and Affinity updates